The Steel Pan ExCo is offered every semester to Oberlin students and community members who are interested in learning how to play the steel pan and engaging with steel pan history and Trinidadian and Tabogian culture. Priority in the class is given to students and community members of T&T, Caribbean, and West Indian heritage. For more info about the Oberlin ExCo department, visit their website: https://oberlinexco.org/.
About applying… Visit the Oberlin Steel table at the ExCo fair to chat with the current semester’s teachers and get some info. Reach out to osteel@oberlin.edu to get the link for the OSteel ExCo application form and fill it out! Keep in mind that we frequently receive more applications than we have spots, so don't forget to apply on time and don't be discouraged if you don't get in on your first try. Be clear and specific about what you will bring to the band and what you hope to learn from the class. Sharing past musical experience is great, but no musical or steel pan experience is necessary to participate in the ExCo!
About the class… The ExCo is taught each semester by two or three members of Oberlin Steel. We teach fundamentals of playing the steel pan as well as the historical and cultural context of the instrument. The class meets once a week for two hours, with additional practice time required outside of class. To demonstrate their learning, students complete a group research project about the culture and history of the steel pan and participate in a final performance at the end of the semester. The class is graded pass/no pass for one co-curricular credit hour. At the end of the semester, interested students are encouraged to apply to be in OSteel.
Life after the class… The ExCo is the only way to join the BAND!
It’s always a lot of fun!
Sign up at the ExCo fair during the first week of each semester. If you’re a non-student please reach out to us via email osteel@oberlin.edu.